Abel Press

About Abel Press

Mark Cress- Author

Abel Press is a new kind of publisher for a new era in publishing. Traditionally, publishers have sold books through "Brick & Mortar" stores or through the Internet. Writers of distinctively Christian and inspirational works have struggled to reach widespread distribution of their books due to the lagging "last century" sales and delivery techniques still being deployed in the industry.

According to Nielson BookScan, which tracks about 70 percent of all retail sales of books (including those sold through Amazon.com), the average U.S. nonfiction book is only selling 250 copies per year and only around 3,000 copies over its lifetime.  (reprinted from the website www. marketingchristianbooks.wordpress.com)

Abel Press desires to distribute a minimum of 100,000 copies of every book it publishes.  Distribution methods are totally non-traditional.  Our leadership has no ego associated with a desire to see books on the shelves of book stores or buried among millions of titles on an online book seller’s website.

We want literally tens of thousands of our books in the hands of end users...circulating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in workplaces, churches, schools, jails & detention facilities, hospitals, small groups, truck stops, transportation terminals, and other places people regularly gather.

To accomplish its non-traditional distribution objectives, Abel Press looks for ways to circulate its books and resources in bulk through leaders who hope to share the life changing Good News of Jesus Christ in areas where they have direct and indirect influence on large groups of people.  Examples include business leaders gifting Abel Press books to all of their employees, people with a heart for prison ministry donating books for distribution in jails and detention facilities, churches gifting books to members as well as using them for out reach events.  Making this happen requires a commitment to large scale printing in order to drive unit cost to the very lowest possible level.  Through highly developed relationships with national printers as well as careful attention to book length, size, and design, Abel Press has the ability to produce books at prices unheard of for traditional Christian and inspirational works.  The next step is a willingness on the part of Abel Press leadership to keep operational costs at a minimum and profits in line with growth goals.

Further, Abel Press desires to give back to worthy Christian non-profit ministries.  For example, a percentage of all net proceeds from Ten Presents From The King will be donated to seven ministries highlighted at the end of the book.  It is also hoped that readers will see the promotional displays for these ministries and connect with them individually as well.

Make no mistake...Abel Press, LLC is a for-profit business and must succeed as a free enterprise organization with headquarters in the United States.  This means operational goals must be met, taxes paid, and profits generated in order to survive and thrive in an ever-changing industry.